Abstract—As Korea and Japan has long time of history for exchanging each other’s cultural aspects, they have many kinds of similar things. Among them, language is one of the most things which have many kinds of similar aspects. By portraying similarities between two languages, we could find out each language’s developmental stages and through this understanding each language’s consciousness structure becomes easier. However, as relationship between Korea and Japan becomes deteriorated due to many kinds of political and historical issues, contrastive researches between two languages lost interests from many researchers. This paper, in recognition of necessities to undergo the research about similarities between two languages, intends to find the intimate traits between two languages related to grammatical traits and conversation culture. Through this paper, supposition that Korean and Japanese are similar because of their shared historical traits would become clearer.
Index Terms—Similarity, Japanese and Korean, grammatical trait, conversation culture.
Seyoung Oh is with the Hankuk Academy of Foreign Studies, Yonginsi, South Korea (e-mail: seval0301@naver.com).
Taeseon Yoon was with Korea University, Seoul, South Korea. He is now with Hankuk Academy of Foreign Studies, Yonginsi, South Korea (e-mail: tsyoon@hafs.hs.kr).
Cite:Seyoung Oh and Taeseon Yoon, "Similarities between Korean and Japanese," International Journal of Languages, Literature and Linguistics vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 5-9, 2016.