Abstract—The current trend of teaching English in this century is toward authentic and formative assessment. The present study, therefore, pedagogically raises teachers' awareness of an integration of the writing rubric as an authentic and formative assessment into the EFL writing class in order to create the collaborative and interactive learning atmosphere in learning to write in English. According to the findings, the students showed positive attitudes toward the writing rubric. The role of the writing rubric changed the EFL writing class which was a grammar-based teaching to a six-trait development to improve the students' writing process and products. Through the writing rubric experience, the students' perspective on assessment was positively geared to formative assessment, an assessment that facilitated language learning and development rather than merely evaluated their final products and performance as summative assessment.
Index Terms—Authentic assessment, EFL students' attitudes, formative assessment, writing rubric.
Watcharee Kulprasit is with Thaksin University, Thailand (e-mail: mamorukeng@hotmail.com).
Cite:Watcharee Kulprasit, "EFL Students’ Attitudes toward Authentic and Formative Assessment: The Role of Writing Rubric," International Journal of Languages, Literature and Linguistics vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 32-37, 2016.