Abstract—The present paper is a study to showcase the use of social networking sites for students. Here I have tried to put the uses and misuses of these sites along with the advantages of these social networking sites. They have been introduced in some countries in mainstream but across the world we all are not only using them but have become dependent on them to some extent. No doubt, they expanded the horizons of knowledge, sharing information and creative ideas and make our reading global. But I as teacher have to teach our students about the proper and adequate use of these social networking sites. We are also familiar with the after myths these sites are creating. Also some new social networking sites have been suggested for the convenience of the students apart from the popular ones.
Index Terms—Websites, apps, technology, students, connection.
Dr. Reena Mittal is with D.A.K. Degree College, Moradabad, UP 244001 India (e-mail: mittal.reena23@gmail.com).
Cite:Reena Mittal, "Technology and Language Learnings: Use of Social Network for Academic Purpose," International Journal of Languages, Literature and Linguistics vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 61-64, 2018.