Abstract—In contexts, romantic dialogue includes binary
and ternary exchanges in connection with dilogues and
trilogues. From a conversational perspective, interactional
spaces that are occupied by two or three interlocutors mark
interpersonal relationships, configurations of the exchange as
well as types of the interaction. This study aims to discover
structures of the triads in the three-participant conversation.
The theoretical framework proposed by Kerbrat-Orecchioni
and Traverso as well as the example of triads in Nothombian
dialogues will be offered. In addition, the turn-taking system
for conversation proposed by Sacks et al. will also be described
in the analysis. Our analysis of triads in binary and ternary
exchanges will open up possibilities and perspectives for the
study of analysis of literary dialogues and analysis of
Index Terms—Conversation analysis, interactional
discourse, dyad conversation and triad conversation, dilogue
and trilogue, binary exchange and ternary exchange.
The author is with Beijing Language and Culture University, China (e-mail:
Cite:Yuyuan Guo, "A Conversational Perspective of Binary and Ternary Exchanges in the Interactional Discourse," International Journal of Languages, Literature and Linguistics vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 183-188, 2020.