Abstract—Language is an organ in constant evolution and as
such a diachronic approach should be taken when analyzing
how speakers of a given languages use it in their everyday life.
English and Chinese Mandarin have become two of the most
spoken languages in the world and as such some sort of linguistic
influence on one another must be expected to an extent. This
paper should be taken as an introductory chapter of a very
complex socio-linguistics topic that deserves to be researched indepth
to be fully understood. This paper highlights the most
common English loanwords in modern Chinese and vice versa,
briefly giving a summary on why two foreign languages so far
apart has becoming interlacing and blending in the everyday
Index Terms—Borrowed language, Chinese, English,
linguistics, loanword, socio-linguistics.
Amerigo Quatrini is with Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444 China
(e-mail: amerigoquatrini@shu.edu.cn).
Cite:Amerigo Quatrini, "Comparison between English Loanwords in Mandarin Chinese and Chinese Loanwords in English," International Journal of Languages, Literature and Linguistics vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 193-197, 2022.