Abstract—Along with the increase of the university entrance
rate and the diversification of university entrance examinations,
many students who enter university are academically
underprepared for higher education, and as a result, most
higher education institutes in Japan offer developmental
education to students who enroll in their institutions. Flipped
learning, which involves a combination of pre-class
developmental English education and in-class activities, was
implemented as an instructional method for developmental
English education in this study. This study purposed to identify
the effects of managerial facilitation strategies on flipped
learning for developmental English education. Findings of the
study suggest that managerial facilitation provided by the
instructor enhances students’ willingness to keep on studying in
developmental English learning, students’ English writing
proficiency, and their attitude toward flipped EFL writing.
Results also suggest that managerial facilitation on flipped
learning cultivates students’ learning habits and changes
students into active learners.
Index Terms—Managerial strategies, flipped learning,
developmental education, learning management, e-learning.
Hiroki Yoshida is with Kanto Gakuin University, Yokohama, Japan (email:
Cite:Hiroki Yoshida, "Effects of Managerial Facilitation Strategies on Flipped Learning for Developmental English Education," International Journal of Languages, Literature and Linguistics vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 160-164, 2022.